Friday 15 May 2009

Channel Four Extreme Male Beauty

The latest craze that is now sweeping the nation courtesy of Chanel Four is Extreme Male Beauty, we all know how our men have become a lot more in tune with their self image these days & many are very proud to be classified as 'metrosexual', but it seems that the quest for body-perfection is a pressing issue not just for women but also for many men... Next week on the show (Thursday 21/05) we see willing victim Rudi Fieldgrass having a new cult beauty procedure called Vaser Lipo & the treatment was carried out 6 weeks ago at a Kensington Spa 'EF MediSpa'. A new procedure Vaser Lipo, has only just recently come over from the states (don't they all!), it was developed by Sound Surgical Technology & is a process that uses a gentle ultrasound probe to emulsify and remove large or small areas of fat, leaving other tissue intact. This is why it has a much faster recovery time that traditional lipo, with much smoother results. Unlike lipo it can also be used on almost any body part (arms, chest, stomach, bottom, chin, etc) that needs fat removing from it! Sounds pretty good doesn't it, the faster, easier & as if by magic way to perfection - well almost! Anyway check out the before & afters below & watch out for it on Channel Four next Thursday!

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